PVO          PVO Watch Center       PVO Report Center

PVO™ is a revolutionary, real-time management software solution that is unique in its ability to create partnering business intelligence and analytics data. 


For the first time, companies can use an automated and repeatable measurement process system to greatly improve the effectiveness, health and results of their alliances, channels and partnerships. 


PVO’s Patent-pending, break-through process technology creates a significant competitive advantage as it enables the proactive management of partnerships. 


PVO™ enhances a company's decision support information as it:

  • Measures and documents partnering accountability

  • Measures and documents partnering change management

  • Predicts partnering results

  • Enables proactive partnering management

  • Analyzes company and partner data and generates BI reports without the need for product training

  • Eliminates the need for business analysts to sift through data to determine what is important and then to generate reports

  • Assists in creation of acceptable through ideal partner profile (s)

  • Provides decision data to justify the improvement of existing processes, policies, programs and personnel

  • Identifies current root cause performance and effectiveness issues and tracks improvement progress

  • Reduces alliance and partnership failure risks from initial selection process through management of the partnership

  • Generates business intelligence and analytics data to assist in creating potential short-term improvement tactics

  • Measures ROI for most any marketing program

  • Provides analytics that will assist in determining which partners will deliver the highest marketing program return

  • Provides data needed to improve partnering skills, increase managing effectiveness, shorten new manager learning curves and improve partnering relationships

PVO™ enables you to proactively identify and fix partnering problems before they have an opportunity to impact results.  PVO™ will tell you what you don’t know and what your partners may not tell you. 


What will Partner Value Optimizer™ tell you that you don’t already know? 

Alliance Analytics leads the way in Integrated Partner Analytics.

  • Determine the optimum number of alliance and channel partners that you need to have in order to obtain the highest and most profitable results.

  • Determine the optimum type, category and configuration of alliance and channel partners that you need to have in order to obtain the highest and most profitable results. 

  • Determine the optimum configuration of skills sets needed for an individual partnership to achieve expected results.  

  • Determine which alliance and channel partners should be retained in order to obtain the highest and most profitable results.

  • From those partners retained, identify which partnerships have the greatest potential for success and what must be done to achieve it.

  • From those partners retained, identify which partnerships have the least potential for success no matter how much time, money or effort is given to them.

  • Identify all of the leading indicators that can, may or will individually and in combination impact partnering results for each and all partnerships by type, category and configuration.

  • Identify all of the lagging indicators that can, may or will individually and in combination impact partnering results for each and all partnerships by type, category and configuration.

  • Generate benchmarks (indexes) for company partnerships by partnership, partnership type, category and configuration so that all non-revenue goals and objectives can be measured and so that improvement can be more accurately tracked. 

  • Predict the acceptance level and impact on results of a new partner program before it is implemented.

PVO™ Benefits

  • Provides better data and information to make more informed decisions

  • Creates BI data that can be immediately be used to affect improvement

  • Creates opportunity for continuous improvement in results

  • Determines real ROI for Marketing Program Spending

  • Determines where to spend marketing and operating budgets

  • Increases partner mindshare and trust

  • Creates Government Compliance Reports

  • Quickly determines issues that are impacting individual partnerships

  • Does not require specialized business analysts to analyze data and create  reports



PVO Features

PVO™ is a fully scalable enterprise application.  Any number of partnerships can be measured down to an individual contributor level.  PVO's feature highlights are as follows:


  • No limit on the number of partnerships that can be measured at one or any time

  • No limit on the number of variables that can be measured

  • Surveys can be easily customized, generated, sent and tracked for each partnership

  • Built-in intelligent results analyzer PVO Watch Center reports any significant changes in response and comparison information

  • No limit on the number of measurement variables that can be analyzed

  • Can accurately measure any configuration of partnerships

  • Complex database algorithms that ensure statistically accurate data

  • Quantitative data can be imported from other systems

  • Accurate measurements for the effectiveness of all partnering related processes, policies, programs and personnel

  • Full measurement to determine all functional and cross functional impacts

  • Built in Discussion Portal to share information between users

  • Easy to use Web Portal-based user interface

  • Integration capability to most any report generation and business visualization software

  • Generates numerous reports for business intelligence, analytics, Sarbanes-Oxley Reporting and ROIs

  • Custom Reports can be generated using drag and drop cube technologies using Excel


PVO as an integral part of a long-term strategy


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Copyight- AllianceAnalytics 2015
Alliance, Channel and Partnership Creation and Management Analytics