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PVO Report Center


PVO's Reporting Center portal provides single click access to a PVO's reports.  It has two main reporting sections - Charts and Standard Reports.   Ad Hoc Reports can be easily created using Microsoft Excel. 


PVO Reporting Center is the core for all of the output of the PVO software.  PVO processes all survey data using PVO’s patent pending algorithms to measure effectiveness and quality of the vendor-partner relationship.  After the results have been calculated, they are then compared to actual objective and achievement data.  PVO then presents effectiveness measurements against the results for the processes, policies, programs, personnel and satisfaction shared between two or more entities.  The reports include measurement comparisons not only to a company's stated objectives but also to the Partner Value Index which represents a total effectiveness measurement for all of a partnership's selection, agreement and management processes. 


Report Examples:






The example to the left reports that there is a direct relationship between between the PVO Index and the percent of revenue achieved.


Contributing factors that have impacted the change from the second quarter to the third quarter are measurements contained within sales activities, communications, alliance management, training, partner trust and special activities during the periods. 














The report to the right shows the measurement result changes in some of the individual criteria  that positively changed the percent of revenue achieved and the PVO Index.


Having the PVO Index as a guide bar along with the results achievement measurement, enables companies to the real impacts to the performance of a partnership.


















Individual criteria measurements drive PVO.  Score changes indicate the effectiveness of changes made to the policies, processes and personnel that drive the partnership.


To assist in determining the degree to which a measurement has changed, PVO also reports on the quarter over quarter variances between criteria measurements.












Companies using PVO can isolate and identify the real issues and the actual impacts to a partnership's performance.  From the information, companies, for the first time, can make better and more highly informed partnering decisions.


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Copyight- AllianceAnalytics 2015
Alliance, Channel and Partnership Creation and Management Analytics